Sunday, September 23, 2007

August 15, 2007—drafting withdrawal

When I finished my morning coffee I was strongly tempted to head to the chair on the porch where I have spent every working morning for the last few months and turn the page in my notebook and keep writing. The story is done and I needed to be at my computer to work on the rewriting, but I didn’t want to miss the pleasure of drafting new material.

I halfway entertained the idea of following the impulse, maintaining the morning writing habit and starting a new project—a short story at least. But I decided that would be a serious distraction from the discipline I would need to do the rewrite. Not to mention that I owe it to my wife to get this done and start finding a way to earn money asap.

It’s nice to know that the ability to sit down and write like that is there, though. Maybe I’ll indulge it after I get the rewriting process organized and underway.

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