Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Full day of work

Today was unusual in that I spent a lot of time working on Chapter 8--and chapter 7, even though I said I was done with it. Calling it a full day is an exaggeration, but it was at least a couple hours longer than usual, in the a.m. and after lunch. It give me a little sense of what it might be like this summer when I'm setting aside other obligations and can work on the novel full-time.

This was possible because I'm almost done with most of my paying work. Starting Thursday I have to grade papers for awhile, so I'll lose a couple days, and I have one more client I have to spend time on, so that will wipe out at least a few afternoons if not some mornings. I'm still working on a goal of finishing part one--through chapter 8--before departing for our trip. I don't have as much confidence that I'll make it that I used to have, but it's possible.

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