Thursday, March 5, 2009

Done with Ch. 11 I guess

Wrapped up Ch. 11 (f/k/a 12) this morning, I guess. I'm not feeling very comfortable that it's any good. But my plan is to input the changes on the computer file--later when I'm working on the whole book that way--and then see how it reads. I suspect it's not as well developed and interesting and understandable as the previous chapters. I'm still just patching over the flaws I think.

So, Ch. 12 next. Maybe this afternoon. I'm not going to finish this week, so I'll be more than a week behind. I really hope I finish by next Wednesday, because I have some serious work to do on my paying gigs next week, and I'd like to deal with that fresh without the distraction of the book, and then I can come back to the next stage--making the changes on the computer--the week after that. That would put me two weeks behind. In theory that's possible if I buckle down the next few days and don't have any more crises of confidence.

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