Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More reading than writing

It's been a week or two of not much progress on the book. I've been paying attention to other responsibilities and waiting to hear from a couple readers.

I got to the Brooklyn Book Festival last Sunday, which was a lot of fun, and came home with a pile of reading -- mostly journals but a few books from the small presses I've been interested in. I've been reading all that and a ton of other stuff lately, still stewing on the possibilities for my second novel. (Actually, on the drive home I got another intriguing idea for a book totally different from the one I've been stewing on, so that's going to be a problem.)

I've been getting out to some readings, including one last night by my friend Tim Parrish, author of Red Stick Men and of another book that so far the publishing world hasn't got hep to. (Come on publishing world. WTF?) Congrats to Alice Mattison and the other organizers of the Ordinary Evening Reading Series. It's a very cool New Haven event.

I just got word that I'll be giving a reading next month at an event organized by The New Haven Review. Watch this space for more detail.

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