Monday, February 16, 2009

Plugging away--Ch. 5

Every day feels different, and lately it feels like a hell of a chore. This too shall pass.

I have in general been putting in more hours per day than usual. I get in a groove like that sometimes when I'm eager for the work. Using last week as a sample, I'd say that I can go through about half a chapter in a working session, and I finished four chapters last week. So along the way, I did my five regular morning sessions plus the equivalent of three extra sessions somewhere in the afternoons or evenings--when I was supposed to be doing something else like earning money.

Started on Chapter 5 today. I am a little anxious that in Ch. 4 and so far in Ch. 5 I haven't been cutting as many pages as I feel like I need to.

The big conceptual struggle I'm having is with how much background is appropriate without losing the momentum of the story in the present action. More another time on why this is so difficult for me.

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